Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

SendWorkflowMessage Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Provides a 'send' method when the user does not have Microsoft® Windows® 2000 credentials (ie. email-based workflow).

[Visual Basic]
Sub SendWorkflowMessage(eSendFlags As CdoWfSendFlags)
HRESULT SendWorkflowMessage(CdoWfSendFlags eSendFlags);
HRESULT SendWorkflowMessage([in] CdoWfSendFlags eSendFlags);


This method requires that the Workflow Event Sink account have a valid mailbox and that the 'To' field contains a valid address. This applies to the contained 'Send()' method as well. You can use either method in workflow, but only SendWorkflowMessage provides response tracking and is available to restricted workflows.

This method sets the Configuration object to use the Workflow Event Sink account address in the "from" field. It sets ReplyTo to the public folder address, and sets cdoSendUsingMethod to cdoSendUsingExchange. The input parameter tells the workflow engine what to do with correlated responses to this message.


The following example uses the WorkflowSession object to get a WorkflowMessage object and sends a message to the user that initiated the state transition with the response tracking turned off.

[Visual Basic]
Dim WfMsg
WfMsg = WorkflowSession.GetNewWorkflowMessage()
With WfMsg
   .To = WorkflowSession.Sender
   .Subject = "SendWorkflowMessage Test"
   .SendWorkflowMessage cdowfNoTracking
End With

See Also

IWorkflowMessage Interface

CdoWfSendFlags Enum