Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

ActiveConnection Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Contains the session object of the user that initiated the event. (Read-only)

[Visual Basic]
Property ActiveConnection As Connection
HRESULT ActiveConnection( _Connection** varActiveConnection); 
HRESULT ActiveConnection([out, retval] _Connection** varActiveConnection);


You can use this property in privileged mode only. Your script will get an error message if you attempt to use this property in restricted mode.

This property contains the session object of the user that initiated the event. Your workflow script can use this property to access the information store, in which the ProcessInstance is running, as the user that initiated the workflow transition. You can perform transactions in that store only, according to the rights of the "user".

The ActiveConnection is only valid for the information store in which the event occurred. You cannot use the ActiveConnection for a public folder event to access a user's inbox for example. This has another important side effect. You cannot SendUsingExchange a message "as the user" with an ActiveConnection to a public folder, because you must have access to the user's outbox.


This example binds the record object to a document in a public folder tree "as the user" that initiated the state transition.

[Visual Basic]
'assume rec is an ADODB Record object already created

Rec.Open "file://./backofficestorage/" _
                    & WorkflowSession.Domain _
                    & "/public folders/UserFolder/PrivateUserDocument.doc", _
                    WorkflowSession.ActiveConnection, _
                    adModeReadWrite, _

See Also
