Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Sender Property

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Contains the SMTP address of the user that initiated the state transition.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Public Property Sender as String
HRESULT Sender (BSTR* pVal);
HRESULT [propget] Sender ([out,retval] BSTR* pVal);


When a user posts an item to your workflow folder, her display name goes in this WorkflowSession property.


[Visual Basic]
Sub SendMail (MySubject)
  Dim WFMsg
  Set WFMsg = WorkflowSession.GetNewWorkflowMessage()
  WFMsg.To = WorkflowSession.Sender
  WFMsg.Subject = MySubject
  WFMsg.TextBody = "Please take action on this item"
  WFMsg.SendWorkflowMessage cdowfNoTracking
End Sub 

See Also
