Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

CDO Messaging Configuration

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The configuration information for CDO top-level objects is stored in an instance of the Configuration COM class. A Configuration object contains information such as the method used to deliver messages, the paths to the pickup directories for SMTP and NNTP servers, and so forth. When you create a Configuration object, CDO fills in the default configuration information by collecting information from Internet Information Services (IIS) for Microsoft® Windows 2000 and Microsoft Outlook® Express if they are installed on the computer running CDO.

If you do not create a Configuration object, CDO creates one each time you send or post a message. CDO usually creates the Configuration object for applications that only send or post a few messages. However, for applications that send many messages, you should create a single Configuration object and reuse it for each message for performance purposes.

Passwords specified in Outlook Express are not picked in the Configuration object's field collection. These passwords are specified in a dialog box when you select My Server Requires Authentication in Outlook Express. However, for outbound mail authentication, you can provide a write-only password using the sendpassword field on the Configuration object.