Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

RecurrencePattern CoClass

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Allows the user to specify how a recurring event is scheduled.

Not applicable
Not applicable
Type Library
Microsoft CDO for Microsoft Exchange Library
Inproc Server
Threading Model

Implemented Interfaces


Supported IDataSource Bindings



A RecurrencePattern object obtains an individual pattern contained within the RecurrencePatterns collection. A RecurrencePattern object contains a set of properties used for rule specifications, such as DaysOfWeek, MonthsOfYear, and Frequency. For most recurring appointments and meetings, one pattern is sufficient; but to accommodate seasonal and time zone considerations additional patterns may be necessary.

To specify an exception, such as every Tuesday at 4 p.m. except 1/5/99, add an Exception object to an Exceptions collection.

The Appointment object's GetRecurringMaster method returns the master appointment that defines the recurring instance for that appointment.


[Visual Basic]
Public Sub RecurringMeetingRequest()
  Dim myAppt as New CDO.Appointment
  Dim RecPat as CDO.IRecurrencePattern
  Dim iAttendee  As Attendee
  With myAppt
    .Subject = "Investment Reviews"
    .StartTime = "1/6/99 10:30AM"
    .EndTime = "1/6/99 11:30AM"
    .Location = "Skybridge Atrium"
    Set iAttendee = myAppt.Attendees.Add
    iAttendee.Address = "someone@" & DomainName
    iAttendee.Role = cdoRequiredParticipant
    Set RecPat = .RecurrencePatterns.Add("ADD")
    RecPat.Frequency = cdoFrequencyWeekly
    RecPat.Occurences = 10
  End With
 End Sub