Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Restricted Mode

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The following table summarizes the restricted mode characteristics.

Script Execution Only The workflow conditions and actions must be written in script. COM Objects may not be used in this mode.
Sandboxed Script Only The workflow engine will configure the script host to disallow the use of CreateObject. The script will be able to modify the row undergoing the workflow using the IWorkflowSession interface.
Script runs as EUSER_EXSTOREEVENT (guest privileges by default) Before running any condition or action scripts, the event sink will logon & impersonate the system’s "anonymous" account. This will further prevent the script from doing anything outside the "restricted" scope.


The Workflow Event Sink account must be configured to 'act as part of the operating system' (allow impersonation) using the 'Domain Controller Security Policy' management console.