Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Setting Mailbox Storage Limits

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A common store policy is to limit the amount of disk space allocated for each mailbox. The IMailboxStore::StoreQuota property specifies the maximum size of the mailbox, in Kbytes. Once the user reaches this limit, they get a warning message every time they send a message. If you don't care how much space the user consumes, let this property retain its default value, -1.

If you do set StoreQuota, you might also set the IMailboxStore::OverQuotaLimit property. This property specifies the number of Kbytes over the StoreQuota limit that the user can go before they are restricted from sending mail. This is a "gentle reminder" that they need to clear up some space in their mailbox.

Finally, set the IMailboxStore::HardLimit property to the number of Kbytes over the StoreQuota limit that the user can go before they are restricted from sending or receiving mail. This is a "final notice" that they need to clear up some space in their mailbox.


This example limits jamessmith to 10MB, with a 2MB soft limit and an additional 1MB hard limit. He gets 13MB before losing mail privileges.

[Visual Basic]
Sub Set_Limits(ServerName As String, _
               DomainName As String, _
               recipname As String)
    'ServerName is something like "MyServer6"
    'DomainName is something like "DC=MYDOMAIN3,DC=microsoft,DC=com"
    'recipname is something like "jamessmith"
    Dim objPerson As New CDO.Person
    Dim objMailbox As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore
    objPerson.DataSource.Open "LDAP://" + ServerName + _
                                "/CN=" + recipname + _
                                ",CN=users," + DomainName
    Set objMailbox = objPerson
    If objMailbox.HomeMDB = "" Then
       MsgBox "No Mailbox found."
       objMailbox.StoreQuota = 10
       objMailbox.OverQuotaLimit = 2
       objMailbox.HardLimit = 1
       MsgBox "Mailbox limits for " + recipname + " set successfully"
    End If

End Sub