Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Specifying the CommonScript File

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

To specify the common script file, make sure you have a script file saved as a text file on your server. Simply assign the URL of your text file to the CommonScriptURL property of the ProcessDefinition object.

[Visual Basic]
   Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject
   Dim file1 As TextStream
   Set file1 = fso.OpenTextFile(cstPath)

   Dim commonscripttext As String
   commonscripttext = file1.ReadAll

   Dim Rec As New ADODB.Record
   Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
   Dim Stm As New ADODB.Stream
   With Conn
      .Provider = "Exoledb.datasource"
      .ConnectionString = wfFolder
   End With

   Rec.Open pdURL, Conn, adModeReadWrite, adCreateOverwrite

   With Stm
      .Open Rec, adModeReadWrite, adOpenStreamFromRecord
      .Charset = "ascii"
      .Type = adTypeText
      .Position = 0
      .WriteText commonscripttext
      .Position = 0
   End With