Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

The Exchange Mail Submission URI

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Exchange provides a new process for sending messages using the HTTP/WebDAV protocol and the Web Store OLE DB provider, ExOLEDB. You can send messages using a special Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), called the mail submission URI. A user's mail submission URI is constructed, using whatever URI scheme is appropriate, by appending the ##DavMailSubmissionURI## to the user's personal mailbox URI. For example, you can submit a message for a user with the alias user1 whose mailbox is stored on server1 in the domain through HTTP with the URL Through OLE DB, this URL would be file://./backofficestorage/

To set the message contents, you have the following two options:

Unlike the user's Outbox folder, the mail submission URI is not a folder, nor is it a persisted item for a user's mailbox. It is however, a virtual item used only to transmit messages using any process, including MAPI, HTTP, and OLE DB.

To send messages using this process the sending agent must be authenticated and have the necessary rights to send mail from this mailbox. These credentials include the mailbox owner, and all security principles with the "Send On Behalf Of" right for that mailbox.