Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

About CDO and ADO

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

CDO and ADO are designed to work in conjunction with one another. Applications use ADO to navigate, search and modify the properties of items in the Web Store, and use CDO to create and manage specific types of items, such as messages, contacts, appointments, messages containing meeting requests, and folders. Whereas ADO provides raw data access, CDO provides additional functionality that:

Both CDO and ADO directly rely on the Exchange OLE DB Provider (ExOLEDB) to access data residing in Microsoft Exchange private and public information stores.

CDO objects can also be directly bound to ADO objects to increase performance by not requiring separate bindings to the item in a particular store. When bound, changes made with a CDO object can be saved back into the ADO object, and therefore only one session need be used when processing items using both CDO and ADO.