Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

MoveDataFiles Method

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Relocates files to different paths and sets the path locations for new files.

[Visual Basic,VBScript]
Function MoveDataFiles(DBPath As String,
                       SLVPath As String,
                       Optional Flags as Long)
HRESULT MoveDataFiles(BSTR DBPath,
                      BSTR SLVPath,
                      long Flags);
HRESULT MoveDataFiles([in] BSTR DBPath,
                      [in] BSTR SLVPath,
                      [in,optional] long Flags);
The new path for the StoreDB files.
The new path for the SLV (stream) files.
Reserved for future use.


When you move the files, the specified paths become the paths for new files.

Note   You must Dismount the mailbox store before moving mailbox files.