Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Event Logs

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Exchange OLE DB provider logs the following in the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Application event log:

Severity Symbol Description
Error EVENTS_BINDING_DISABLED Microsoft Exchange OLEDB has disabled the event binding due to the problems in the event sink.
Error EVENTS_INVALID_BINDING Microsoft Exchange OLEDB was unable register the event.
Error EVENTS_INVALID_CRITERIA_FILTER Microsoft Exchange OLEDB was unable to process the event criteria filter specified.
Error EVENTS_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE Microsoft Exchange OLEDB was unable to initialize event binding.
Error EVENTS_INVALID_SINK_CLASS Microsoft Exchange OLEDB was unable to either create an event sink object or get necessary interface(s) from the sink class.
Error EVENTS_MISSING_PROPERTY Microsoft Exchange OLEDB was unable to initialize event binding due to a missing property value.
Error EVENTS_UNABLE_TO_INITIALIZE_SOURCE Microsoft Exchange OLEDB was unable to initialize event binding for the store.
Error EVENTS_UNABLE_TO_REGISTER_BINDING Microsoft Exchange OLEDB was unable to initialize an event binding.
Error EXOLEDB_FAILED_TO_REGISTER_OBJECTS Microsoft Exchange OLEDB was unable to successfully register COM objects.