Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Events and Event Sink Interfaces

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The sink classes you develop will contain Exchange defined interfaces. The Exchange sink source can call the methods on the interfaces in response to store events. To call the method, the Exchange sink source will create an instance of your sink class, retrieve the desired interface, and call the appropriate method.

There are Synchronous, Asynchronous, System and Registration Events. Exchange has defined interfaces to match these groups. The following table lists the interfaces and their methods, and the event each method supports. The subtopics in this section explain the concepts behind each interface and method.

Synchronous Events

The IExStoreSyncEvents has two methods.

Name When called (by the event sink source)
OnSyncSave When an item is saved to the store.
OnSyncDelete When an item is deleted.

Asynchronous Events

The IExStoreAsyncEvents has two methods.

Name When called (by the event sink source)
OnSave When an item is saved to the store.
OnDelete When an item is deleted from the store.

Note   Other "events" such as moving or copying an item are handled by the save and delete events. When an item is copied in the store it generates a save event. A move fires both save and delete events. An item is moved in the store by first copying it to its new destination, and then deleting it from its previous location.

System Events

The IExStoreSystemEvents has three methods.

Name When called (by the event sink source)
OnTimer After a certain period of time.
OnMDBStartUp When an MDB is started.
OnMDBShutdown When an MDB is shut down.

Registration Events

The ICreateRegistration has one method.

Name When called (by the event sink source)
Register Automatically called when an event registration item is saved to the store

See Interfaces Used Within Sinks for interfaces you can obtain from within your event sink class.