Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server


[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Called by a store when an item is saved.

[Visual Basic, VBScript]
Sub OnSave(
   pEventInfo As IExStoreEventInfo,
   bstrURLItem As String, 
   lFlags As Long
   IExStoreEventInfo  * pEventInfo, 
   BSTR bstrURLItem, 
   LONG lFlags
   [in] IExStoreEventInfo * pEventInfo,
   [in] BSTR bstrURLItem,
   [in] LONG lFlags
A pointer to an IExStoreEventInfo interface that can be used to obtain further information related to the event.
A string containing a URL to the new saved item.
The following (bitwise AND) flags can give you further information about the save event
Decimal Value C++ Enum Equivalent Meaning
1 EVT_NEW_ITEM The item being saved is new.
2 EVT_IS_COLLECTION The item is being saved is collection.
4 EVT_REPLICATED_ITEM The item is being saved as a result of replication.
256 EVT_MOVE The item was moved over resulting in an implicit save.
512 EVT_COPY The item was copied over resulting in an implicit save.

Return Value

The return value is not evaluated.

Registration Properties

To register for this event, you need to set the registration item's eventmethod property to "OnSave" (C++ constant = EVT_ON_SAVE).

This event supports the following Registration Item properties:


This event is fired when a new item enters the store, when an existing item is saved, and when an item is moved or copied. This event does not fired when the item's parent folder is moved or copied.