Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Information Passed To a Sink

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Exchange passes information to the event sink upon notification of an event. Interfaces are passed into the sinks. Other interfaces may be obtained once in the event sink. See Interfaces Used Within Sinks for a list of interfaces you can obtain from within an event sink.

The methods that handle synchronous events receive pointers to the IExStoreEventInfo Interface and an image of the item that caused the event to fire. (See Synchronous Events Details for why you get a pointer to and item image.)

The methods that handle asynchronous events receive a pointer to the IExStoreEventInfo Interface and the url of the Item that caused the event to fire. (See Asynchronous Events Details for why you get a URL to the item.)

The OnTimer method receives the URL to the item that registered the event.

The MDBStartUp and MDBShutDown methods receive the MDB GUID and MDB name.

It is possible to pass custom information from the event registration item to the event sink. See Contextual Information for a Sink for more information.