Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Enumerating Store and System Event Bindings

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

You can use the RegEvent.vbs script to enumerate the event bindings for store and system events. The enumeration includes a list of all sink and source property bag properties for each binding. The following script options are used:

cscript RegEvent.vbs enum 
The URL indicating a folder or item in the Exchange Store. If an item, then this is the event to be enumerated. If this is a folder, then the "all" option is expected.
Enumerate all items in the specified folder.


Regevent does not provide a means of recursively enumerating events in child folders.


‘ enum an event by specifying an item URL
cscript RegEvent.vbs enum file://./backofficestorage/

‘ enum events in a folder by specifying a folder URL
file://./backofficestorage/ all