Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Registration Steps

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

This checklist identifies the steps required to register for event sink notifications.

  1. Register your event sink COM class in the windows operating system.
  2. Create a store item.
  3. Set the content class of the Item to "urn:content-class:storeeventreg"
  4. Set event properties on the registration Item.
  5. Save the item to the store.

Registering Your Own DLL COM Sink Objects

Sinks are run out of the store process. If you create a COM object sink in a DLL, it will need to be run by a surrogate host (executable). The dllhost.exe is typically used, though some configurations to the registry are required. This configuration is explained in subjects concerning surrogate hosts. However, when you wrap your DLL in a COM+ Application the surrogate host registrations are performed automatically.