Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

System Events

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

System events can notify your sink class that databases have started up or shut down. They can also notify your sink class at a specific time, or on timed intervals.

The following IExStoreSystemEvents interface methods will be called by the event sink source for event notification.

Name Description
OnTimer Called after a certain period of time.
OnMDBStartUp Called when a MDB is started.
OnMDBShutDown Called when a MDB is shut down.

System events are asynchronous. The store does not wait for the event sink threads to finish executing. System events do not lock items in the store.

System events are not tied to a particular item or location in the store (scope). However the OnTimer event can be positioned in the store to provide a context. For more information, see Event Sink Registration.

You can use timer events for repeated calls such as scheduling routine tasks. They can also be used for a one-time event.