Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server |
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
You can specify particular fonts and table styles for views. This information can come from the HTML Prefix file or a cascading style sheet (CSS).
If a view has special formatting (for example to identify unread messages), items in a table are marked with a different CSS class; this allows the CSS in the HTML header to provide unique fonts, background, and other style information for those items.
In this code example, we declare a view and specify some formatting information.
<STYLE> .view { behavior:url(/exchweb/controls/; BACKGROUND-COLOR:window; overflow:auto; POSITION:relative; color:#000000; Z-INDEX:5; } </STYLE>
In this code example we add the view to a Web page, specifying columns, along with filter and sorting. A data island "View1_XML' is used to populate the view.
<DIV id="View1" class="view" style="width:;height:" URL=http://myserver/public/myfolder storeType="1"s RowsPerPage="9999" viewDescriptor="View1_XML" viewClass="/exchweb/views/messages.xsl" onSelectItem="doselectitem(event)" onDblClick="doselectitem(event)" > <XML id="View1_XML"> <view xmlns:v="" xmlns:d="urn:uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882"> <baseroot>/exchweb/img/</baseroot> <viewname>Normal</viewname> <column> <heading>Given Name</heading> <prop d:dt="string">urn:schemas:contacts:givenName</prop> <sortable>0</sortable> <bitmap>0</bitmap><multivalued>0</multivalued> <style></style> </column> <column> <heading>Middle Name</heading> <prop d:dt="string">urn:schemas:contacts:middlename</prop> <sortable>0</sortable> <bitmap>0</bitmap><multivalued>0</multivalued> <style></style> </column> <column> <heading>Surname</heading> <prop d:dt="string">urn:schemas:contacts:sn</prop> <sortable>0</sortable> <bitmap>0</bitmap><multivalued>0</multivalued> <style></style> </column> <filter id="filternode"> "DAV:ishidden" = false AND "DAV:isfolder" = false AND "DAV:contentclass" = 'urn:content-classes:person' </filter> <orderby> <order><prop>urn:schemas:contacts:sn</prop><sort>ASC</sort></order> </orderby> <headerstyle>background-color:#c0c0c0</headerstyle> <rowstyle>background-color:#c0c0c0</rowstyle> </view> </XML> </DIV>