Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Loading an Outlook Web Access View in a Frame

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Frames are available in both Microsoft® Internet Explorer and Netscape.

This example creates a frameset and two frames. A table of contents is loaded in the left frame. The table of contents lets the user choose their inbox and outbox. These will appear in the frame on the right side.

Three files are used; frame.htm, toc.htm, and main.htm.


<FRAMESET FRAMEBORDER = 1 bordercolor= "000000" cols="80, 300"> 
  <FRAME FRAMEBORDER=1 src="toc.htm" name="toc">
  <FRAME FRAMEBORDER=1 src="frmain.htm" name="main">
<NOFRAMES>Need a browser that supports Frames</NOFRAMES>


Select One<P>
<a href="http://ServerName1/exchange/user1/inbox?Cmd=contents" target= "main" >Inbox</a><p>
<a href="http://ServerName1/exchange/user1/outbox?Cmd=contents" target= "main" >Outbox</a><p>
<a href="http://ServerName1/public/common/phonelist.htm" target= "main" >Phone List</a><P>


<I><CENTER>Click on a menu choice to the left<I></CENTER><P>