Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Loading an Outlook Web Access View in an iFrame

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.] Iframes allow the Web page author to place a frame exactly where they want to on the Web page. Iframes also allow the author to control the height and width of the frame.

IFrames were introduced in Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4. More information about iFrames is available on the MSDN™ Library.


This example loads the user’s Exchange inbox into a frame and provides links to the user’s inbox and outbox.

Note   This example requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4 or later.

Example of displaying Exchange Web form in an iFrame.<P>

<a href="http://ServerName1/exchange/user1/inbox?Cmd=contents" target= "main" >Inbox</a>
<a href="http://ServerName1/exchange/user1/outbox?Cmd=contents" target= "main" >Outbox</a>
<IFRAME name = "main", src="http://ServerName1/exchange/user1/inbox?Cmd=contents", 
width = 90%, height = 70%> </IFRAME>