Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Registering a Web Store Form

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Custom Web Store Forms can be registered in the Web Store. Once properly registered, Microsoft® Exchange users can then interact with the custom form.

To manually register a Web Store Form

  1. Create the form in FrontPage or whatever editor you wish.
  2. Modify the form to add in the functionality desired. Add the class property to fields and forms. Add any behaviors. For instructions on how to add custom views or design time behaviors to your Web page, see other sections of this document.
  3. Log in to the Exchange server as a user with rights to write to the intended directory.
  4. Register the Web form in the store. Examples of registering a form using behaviors and ADO follow in the next section.

See Also

Registering Web Store Forms using PROPPATCH

Using ADO to set SCR and default form property