Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Default Web Store Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The Web Store is installed with a large set of default, or supplied, properties. These properties are detailed in the Web Store reference of this documentation. These properties are used in many core Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server applications, such as messaging, calendaring, and so on. The following table lists the functional areas and origin of these supplied properties.

Functional area Origin
Messaging IMAP, MAPI, MHTML, MIME, NNTP, POP3, RFC 821, RFC 822, RFC 977, RFC 1522, existing search RFCs
Contacts Outlook contacts, LDAP person + NTDS extensions, vCard, PAB
Calendar ICal, Outlook meetings, alarms
Documents Microsoft Office properties, Win32 properties
Folders Win32 properties, folder inheritance, MAPI folder properties
Configuration Rules, views, default rendering, forms, MAPI