Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server |
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
This Active Server Page example lists folders and items from a base URL as links on a Web page. A folder link lists its items and any subfolders using the same ASP file (navigate.asp). This code allows you to "drill down" through folders, subfolders and their items in the Web Store hierarchy.
An item link renders its content (render.asp). See the Displaying Items programming task for this code.
The value of the DAV:href property containing the URL of the seleted item or folder is passed as a parameter in an <A HREF> link. This value is either used for opening another recordset if it is a folder, or opening a record to display its content if it is an item.
This example also demonstrates investigating schema values and using content-class to display the appropriate icons for items and folders.
'************************************************* 'Save this code as Navigate.ASP '************************************************* Dim Rec Dim strURL Dim strQ Dim Rs Dim strHREF Dim DomainName Dim strLocalPath ' set your own values to these variables: DomainName = "" strLocalPath = "public folders" Set Rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Record") Set Rs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'If this is the first time to the page, there is 'no QueryString value, so the base URL is opened 'specifed by the strLocalPath variable. Otherwise, 'the DAV:href value is URL to use If IsEmpty(Request.QueryString("f")) Then strURL = "file://./backofficestorage/" & DomainName & "/" & strLocalPath Rec.Open strURL else strURL = Request.QueryString("f") Rec.Open strURL End If 'create the SQL query for the recordset strQ = "select " strQ = strQ & " ""urn:schemas:mailheader:content-class""" strQ = strQ & ", ""DAV:isfolder""" strQ = strQ & ", ""DAV:id""" strQ = strQ & ", ""DAV:hassubs""" strQ = strQ & ", ""DAV:href""" strQ = strQ & ", ""DAV:displayname""" strQ = strQ & " from scope ('shallow traversal of " & Chr(34) strQ = strQ & strURL & """') " strQ = strQ & " WHERE ""DAV:ishidden"" = false" 'open the recordset, a list of folder and/or items Rs.Open strQ, Rec.ActiveConnection 'create a table for the list 'the first col has no heading and is for icons 'the second col is the DAV:displayname value 'the third col denotes subfolders Response.Write "<FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=2>" Response.Write "<table cellpadding=5><tr><th></th><th>Item</th><th>Sub Folders</th></tr>" If Not Rs.EOF Then Rs.MoveFirst End If While Not Rs.EOF 'As the recordset is enumerated, 'write values to the table 'and prepare the DAV:href value with URLPathEncode strHREF = Server.URLPathEncode(Rs.Fields("DAV:href")) Response.Write "<TR>" Response.Write "<TD><IMG SRC=" 'display an appropriate icon for the content-class Select Case Rs.Fields("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-class").Value Case "urn:content-classes:calendarfolder" Response.Write "CALENDAR.GIF" Case "urn:content-classes:appointment" Response.Write "APPOINTMENT.GIF" Case "urn:content-classes:taskfolder" Response.Write "TASK.GIF" Case "urn:content-classes:task" Response.Write "TASK.GIF" Case "urn:content-classes:mailfolder" Response.Write "PUBLIC_FOLDER.GIF" Case "urn:content-classes:folder" Response.Write "PUBLIC_FOLDER.GIF" Case "urn:content-classes:document" Response.Write "WORDICON.GIF" Case Else Response.Write "READ.GIF" End Select Response.Write "></TD>" Response.Write "<TD><FONT FACE=ARIAL SIZE=1>" 'format the DAV:displayname value as the link text 'and link back to navigate.asp if the link is a folder or 'link to render.asp to render content, using the DAV:href 'value as a parameter (f) to be picked up by Response.QueryString Response.Write "<A HREF=" If Rs.Fields("DAV:isfolder").Value = True Then Response.Write Chr(34) & "navigate.asp?f=" & strHREF & Chr(34) & ">" else Response.Write Chr(34) & "render.asp?f=" & strHREF & Chr(34) & ">" end if Response.Write Rs.Fields("DAV:displayname").Value & "</A></TD>" Response.Write "<TD>" if Rs.Fields("DAV:hassubs").Value = True Then Response.Write "<IMG SRC=ACCEPT.GIF></TD>" else Response.Write "</TD>" end if Response.Write "</TR>" Rs.MoveNext Wend Response.Write "</table>"