Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Persisted Search Folder Properties

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Persisted search folders are like normal folders: once created, they contain standard properties defined for folders, and they themselves can be searched for items and then deleted when no longer needed. However, the Web Store sets special properties on persisted search folders. The following table lists these properties along with a brief description of each.

Property Description
DAV:searchcomplete The Web Store sets this property to "complete" when construction of a static search folder has finished. All items that matched the SQL statement used to create the static search folder are now present.
DAV:searchtype The Web Store sets this property to either "dynamic" or "static". See Dynamic and Static Persisted Search Folders for more information about these two types of persisted search folders.
DAV:searchrequest The Web Store places the SQL query statement used to populate the search folder into this property. You can change this property using a PROPPATCH protocol command to request a new SQL search for the search folder. When this property is changed, the original contents of the folder are first removed, and then the new search is executed and the folder is repopulated.
DAV:resourcetype The Web Store sets this property to the value "<DAV:collection/><DAV:searchcol/>" for persisted search folders.

See Also

Persisted Search Folder Items