Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server |
[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]
Web Store events can drive a workflow tracking process such as workflow objects implemented by CDO for Exchange. The CDO workflow engine provides a systematic process to control state-transitions for documents in the Web Store. The engine relies on a user-defined table of actions—called the action table—to evaluate and execute transitions for documents saved in the application folder. You can think of the action table as a state-machine graph of document state-transitions.
The workflow engine runs in response to certain system and Web Store events. It encapsulates the logic for advancing the state of your workflow documents. This enables you to control the status of documents you are tracking or guiding. You define a workflow process and set it up to be executed based on events occurring in your application folder or in the system. These events, for which you register your application, cause the workflow event sink to run. They include the OnSyncSave and OnSyncDelete Web Store events, and the OnTimer system event. These events invoke the workflow engine if you have registered the workflow event sink on your workflow application folder.