Platform SDK: Exchange 2000 Server

Form Registration Examples

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

A “form registration” is a set of form specific properties. The forms registry uses the form registration to choose which form to display. The form definition is a single record in an application schema folder in the Exchange store.

The form registration records the form definition properties about the form.

Required properties

Content class of items displayed by this form is required, all other form registration properties are optional.

Possible registration mechanisms include:

Registration Security

To register a form in a folder you must have permissions to modify items in that folder.

Security is based on the Microsoft® Windows® 2000 and Microsoft® Windows NT® security model, and security identifiers (SIDs) of real network users. Discretionary access control lists can be set on any item in the Web Store.


An XML namespace is a label that accompanies a set of elements or attributes. The namespace uniquely identifies these elements or attributes by limiting the scope where they are known.

Example of Dav Namespace URI

Namespace URI schemas-microsoft-com:office property forms


For the server and client examples that follow, the following XML namespaces have been declared:


For more information, see _webstore_namespaces_and_properties.