Platform SDK: Files and I/O


The GetFileType function retrieves the file type for the specified file.

DWORD GetFileType(
  HANDLE hFile   // handle to file


[in] Handle to an open file.

Return Values

The return value is one of the following values.

Value Meaning
FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN The type of the specified file is unknown.
FILE_TYPE_DISK The specified file is a disk file.
FILE_TYPE_CHAR The specified file is a character file, typically an LPT device or a console.
FILE_TYPE_PIPE The specified file is either a named or anonymous pipe.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
  Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Header: Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h.
  Library: Use Kernel32.lib.

See Also

File I/O Overview, File I/O Functions, GetFileSize, GetFileTime