Platform SDK: Files and I/O


The TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS structure describes the tape drive.

typedef struct _TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS { 
  BOOLEAN Compression; 
  BOOLEAN DataPadding; 
  BOOLEAN ReportSetmarks; 
  DWORD   DefaultBlockSize; 
  DWORD   MaximumBlockSize; 
  DWORD   MinimumBlockSize; 
  DWORD   MaximumPartitionCount; 
  DWORD   FeaturesLow; 
  DWORD   FeaturesHigh; 
  DWORD   EOTWarningZoneSize; 


Specifies whether the device supports hardware error correction. This member is TRUE if hardware error correction is supported.
Specifies whether hardware data compression is enabled or disabled. This member is TRUE if hardware data compression is enabled.
Specifies whether data padding is enabled or disabled. Data padding keeps the tape streaming at a constant speed. This member is TRUE if data padding is enabled.
Specifies whether setmark reporting is enabled or disabled. This member is TRUE if setmark reporting is enabled.
Specifies the device's default fixed block size.
Specifies the device's maximum block size.
Specifies the device's minimum block size.
Specifies the maximum number of partitions that can be created on the device.
Specifies the low-order bits of the device features flag. This member can be one or more of following values.
Value Meaning
TAPE_DRIVE_COMPRESSION The device supports hardware data compression.
TAPE_DRIVE_CLEAN_REQUESTS The device can report if cleaning is required.
TAPE_DRIVE_ECC The device supports hardware error correction.
TAPE_DRIVE_EJECT_MEDIA The device physically ejects the tape on a software eject.
TAPE_DRIVE_ERASE_BOP_ONLY The device performs the erase operation from the beginning-of-partition marker only.
TAPE_DRIVE_ERASE_LONG The device performs a long erase operation.
TAPE_DRIVE_ERASE_IMMEDIATE The device performs an immediate erase operation — that is, it returns when the erase operation begins.
TAPE_DRIVE_ERASE_SHORT The device performs a short erase operation.
TAPE_DRIVE_FIXED The device creates fixed data partitions.
TAPE_DRIVE_FIXED_BLOCK The device supports fixed-length block mode.
TAPE_DRIVE_INITIATOR The device creates initiator-defined partitions.
TAPE_DRIVE_PADDING The device supports data padding.
TAPE_DRIVE_GET_ABSOLUTE_BLK The device provides the current device-specific block address.
TAPE_DRIVE_GET_LOGICAL_BLK The device provides the current logical block address (and logical tape partition).
TAPE_DRIVE_REPORT_SMKS The device supports setmark reporting.
TAPE_DRIVE_SELECT The device creates select data partitions.
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_EOT_WZ_SIZE The device supports setting the end-of-medium warning size.
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_CMP_BOP_ONLY The device must be at the beginning of a partition before it can set compression on.
TAPE_DRIVE_TAPE_CAPACITY The device returns the maximum capacity of the tape.
TAPE_DRIVE_TAPE_REMAINING The device returns the remaining capacity of the tape.
TAPE_DRIVE_VARIABLE_BLOCK The device supports variable-length block mode.
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_PROTECT The device returns an error if the tape is write-enabled or write-protected.

Contains the high-order bits of the device features flag. This member can be one or more of the following values.
Value Meaning
TAPE_DRIVE_ABS_BLK_IMMED The device moves the tape to a device-specific block address and returns as soon as the move begins.
TAPE_DRIVE_ABSOLUTE_BLK The device moves the tape to a device specific block address.
TAPE_DRIVE_END_OF_DATA The device moves the tape to the end-of-data marker in a partition.
TAPE_DRIVE_FILEMARKS The device moves the tape forward (or backward) a specified number of filemarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_LOAD_UNLOAD The device enables and disables the device for further operations.
TAPE_DRIVE_LOAD_UNLD_IMMED The device supports immediate load and unload operations.
TAPE_DRIVE_LOCK_UNLOCK The device enables and disables the tape ejection mechanism.
TAPE_DRIVE_LOCK_UNLK_IMMED The device supports immediate lock and unlock operations.
TAPE_DRIVE_LOG_BLK_IMMED The device moves the tape to a logical block address in a partition and returns as soon as the move begins.
TAPE_DRIVE_LOGICAL_BLK The device moves the tape to a logical block address in a partition.
TAPE_DRIVE_RELATIVE_BLKS The device moves the tape forward (or backward) a specified number of blocks.
TAPE_DRIVE_REVERSE_POSITION The device moves the tape backward over blocks, filemarks, or setmarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_REWIND_IMMEDIATE The device supports immediate rewind operation.
TAPE_DRIVE_SEQUENTIAL_FMKS The device moves the tape forward (or backward) to the first occurrence of a specified number of consecutive filemarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_SEQUENTIAL_SMKS The device moves the tape forward (or backward) to the first occurrence of a specified number of consecutive setmarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_BLOCK_SIZE The device supports setting the size of a fixed-length logical block or setting the variable-length block mode.
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_COMPRESSION The device enables and disables hardware data compression.
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_ECC The device enables and disables hardware error correction.
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_PADDING The device enables and disables data padding.
TAPE_DRIVE_SET_REPORT_SMKS The device enables and disables the reporting of setmarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_SETMARKS The device moves the tape forward (or reverse) a specified number of setmarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_SPACE_IMMEDIATE The device supports immediate spacing.
TAPE_DRIVE_TENSION The device supports tape tensioning.
TAPE_DRIVE_TENSION_IMMED The device supports immediate tape tensioning.
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_FILEMARKS The device writes filemarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_LONG_FMKS The device writes long filemarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_MARK_IMMED The device supports immediate writing of short and long filemarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_SETMARKS The device writes setmarks.
TAPE_DRIVE_WRITE_SHORT_FMKS The device writes short filemarks.

Indicates the number of bytes between the end-of-tape warning and the physical end of the tape.


  Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
  Header: Declared in Winnt.h; include Windows.h.

See Also

Tape Backup Overview, Tape Backup Structures