Clouds Command

Creates or modifies a cloud layer in the current Flight Simulator weather area as defined by the last Weather command. Gives the cloud layer the characteristics you specify. You are limited to three cloud layers.


Clouds layer , base , top , type , coverage , turbulence , deviation , icing


layer Specifies the layer number.
base Specifies the cloud base altitude, in feet MSL.
top Specifies the cloud top altitude, in feet MSL.
type Specifies the cloud type keyword.
coverage Specifies the cloud coverage keyword.
turbulence Specifies the turbulence factor, from 0 to 255.
deviation Specifies the deviation, in feet.
icing Determines the icing conditions flag, where 0 specifies no icing and 1 specifies icing conditions.

Note: Depending on the value of the type parameter, restrictions are imposed on the values of the other parameters.


CLOUDS 1, 10000, 25000, userdefined, scattered1, 0, 0, 0