The Coordinate System, Basic Principles

The coordinate systems used in Flight Simulator are left-hand, 3-D, and rectilinear. Objects are located in and X,Y,Z 3-D space and are moved in the X,Y, and Z directions using translation. The following table describes how this directional translation of an object occurs in the world as well as on the screen.

Dimension World movement Screen movement
+X West to east Left to right
+Y Increasing altitude Bottom to top
+Z South to north Into the screen

Flight Simulator directional conventions include the following:

Flight Simulator uses Euler angles for rotations; first, heading is applied, then pitch, and, finally, bank. The following table describes the rotational conventions.

Rotation World rotation Screen rotation
+Heading, rotate about the Y axis Rotate to the right; 0° is north Object moves left as heading increases.
+Pitch, rotate about the heading-rotated X axis Nose down Object moves upward (+Y) as pitch increases.
+Bank, rotate about the heading-rotated and pitched Z axis Rotate counter-clockwise The object rotates clockwise as bank increases.

Directional translation and rotation are applied to objects before they are projected. The order in which directional translation and rotation are applied makes a difference because the rotations have the effect of "rotating" the coordinate system. Translation and rotation are performed in the following order:

  1. Translate X.

  2. Translate Y.

  3. Translate Z.

  4. Rotate heading (about the Y axis).

  5. Rotate pitch (about the heading-rotated X axis).

  6. Rotate bank (about the heading-rotated and pitched Z axis).