Editing Aircraft.cfg

For examples of editing the Aircraft.cfg file, see the topics Using Aliasing To Avoid File Duplication and Adding a Configuration Set, included in this SDK.

Errors made in creating or editing the Aircraft.cfg file will show up, along with the following error messages, while an aircraft is being loaded. The error messages are listed in order; that is, the first error message represents an error early in the aircraft-loading process.

Error Message Description
Aircraft initialization failure. Indicates that some essential files are missing from the aircraft container. If the files are missing, the aircraft wouldn't usually be displayed in the Select Aircraft dialog box; as a result, this error is rare.
Failed to start up the flight model. The .air file was not loaded successfully.
This is not a Flight Simulator98 aircraft model. The visual model (.mdl) file for this aircraft is not compatible with Flight Simulator 98.
Visual model could not be displayed. An error occurred while loading the visual model (.mdl) file.