Flat Seeds

Note: Interpretation of the type word is dependent on the class of the seed.

This topic describes flat seeds of class 11h The flat seed class specifies ground terrain that is flat with the same altitude across the seed. The terrain can be of varying types including water, crops, desert, and so on. The table included in this topic describes the different types of flat seeds.

There are two sizes of flat seeds. The size of the seed represents how large an area on edge is covered by one 256x256 visual texture. The large seeds are effective for vast expanses that will be viewed from high altitude; the smaller seeds show more detail. However, the smaller seeds cyclically repeat four times as often which gives a patterned effect on the ground.

The least-significant byte of the type word defines the ground cover type. The most-significant bit of the least-significant byte differentiates between large and small seeds. The most-significant bit is unused and is set to zero. The following table shows the type word value and type (and description, where necessary) for flat seeds.

Type word value Type Description
Large Seeds (64km)
00h Water
01h Broadleaf
02h Needle leaf
03h Tropical
04h Crops
05h Prairie
06h Arid
07h Desert
08h Tundra
09h Ice
0Ah Swamp
0Bh Paris
0Ch Munich
0Dh Variation on arid seed type
0Eh Variation on arid seed type
Small Seeds (16km)
80h Plain green
81h Small city
82h Medium city
83h Suburban 1
84h Lake
85h Suburban 2
86h Suburban 3
87h -
88h Rolling hills Special-case hill generator. Generates a 4x4 mountain grid, with latitude/longitude repeatable random peaks between 0–750 ft. that are green in color. This seed only works properly as a level 13. If you make the seed a level 12 or higher or if the front-end processor combines 2 or more of these seeds, a single level 13, 4x4 hill mesh will be centered in the middle of the combined area, and the rest of the seed will be solid green.
89h Sand dunes Special-case hill generator. Generates a 4x4 mountain grid, with latitude/longitude repeatable random peaks between 0–750 ft. that are tan in color. This seed only works properly as a level 13. If you make the seed a level 12 or higher or if the front-end processor combines 2 or more of these seeds, a single level 13, 4x4 hill mesh will be centered in the middle of the combined area, and the rest of the seed will be solid green.
8Ah High-rise
8Bh Medium-rise
8Ch Urban
8Dh Urban/Suburban