Print Command

Prints output to the message window.


Print print-list

where print-list is zero or more items. Each item is either a string or a numeric expression separated by commas. If the command ends in a comma, the text is concatenated with the text from the next Print command (the message window equivalent of not doing a newline at the end of the line).


When printing multiple items separated by commas for concatenation, each Print command increments the display time by an additional amount defined by the Print_Time command. For example, a string made of up of three separate print commands will display for 15 seconds using the default Print_Time value of 5 seconds. Decrease the Print_Time value before printing concatenated strings and increase it after waiting for the message to finish using the Wait_Message command.


PRINT "Hello world."

PRINT "Hello world. ", "I am HAL."

DECLARE Test_Value

Test_Value = 123

PRINT "Test value is: ", Test_Value