Switching Between Textures, Seasonal Textures

Flight Simulator includes code in the file Bglseed.asm that changes the texture file names of various seed textures, depending on season and north/south hemisphere selections. The following textures are affected by the changes.

The logic behind the texture changes works as shown in the following block of code.

if (plane0lat < 0) season_to_set_to=mod 4 (season+2)
if (plane0lat < 30 deg North and plane0lat > 30 deg South) season_to_set_to=2=summer
if (season=0) texture_name="texture_name"+"W";winter
if (season=1) texture_name="texture_name"+"S";spring

if (season=2) texture_name="texture_name"+"  ";summer
if (season=3) texture_name="texture_name"+"F";fall

Note: In the preceding example, 0=winter 1, =spring,  2=summer, 3=autumn.