Application Builder

See Also

The Application Builder is an integral part of the application development process. The Application Builder is designed, specifically, to make it easy for you to include all necessary, and many optional, elements that make an application effective and pleasurable to use. The Application Builder integrates with the Application Framework created by the Application Wizard so you can do the following things:

Like all Visual FoxPro builders, the Application Builder is reentrant, meaning that you can close it and then reopen it to modify any settings the builder makes. You can reopen the Application Builder by right-clicking on the project and selecting the Builder item from the shortcut menu.

Note   Keep in mind that additional changes made through the builder will not appear in the application until the application is rebuilt.

Using the Application Wizard and Application Builder, you can now build a complete application without having to write code. Whether you’re new to Visual FoxPro or migrating from FoxPro 2.x, these tools will maximize your productivity while also teaching you the essentials of developing object-oriented applications with Visual FoxPro.

For more information on the Application Builder, see the following topics in Help:

Advanced tab, Application Builder
Credits tab, Application Builder
Data tab, Application Builder
Forms tab, Application Builder
General tab, Application Builder
Reports tab, Application Builder

For details on the contents and use of the Visual FoxPro enhanced Application Framework, see Developing Applications Using the Applications Framework.