Layout Tab, Combo Box Builder

See Also

The Layout tab in the Combo Box Builder controls column width and display. The other Combo Box Builder tabs are: List Items tab, Style tab, and Value tab.

When you choose OK, the builder closes, applying all the property settings from every tab to the control.

Tab Options

Adjust the Width of the Combo Box to Display All Columns

Specifies that all selected columns will display even if the open combo box must extend beyond the form boundary. This controls the Width property of the combo box.

Column Grid

Controls the values in the ColumnWidths property. You can adjust the column width by dragging the right edge of a column heading with the mouse. Double-click a column heading to hide the column.

The grid shows actual data if it is available. If no data is available, the grid displays a message to that effect.

To change column order, return to the List Items tab, remove the fields, and add them back in the desired order.