Compile Dialog Box

See Also

Lets you compile program, menu, or query files.

Note   If you have a program open in the Edit window, the Compile command compiles the current program without displaying any options.

This dialog box appears when you select Compile from the Program menu.

Dialog Box Options

File Name

Specifies the file to compile. To compile, select the file name from the list and choose Compile, or double-click the file name. To choose multiple files, hold down the CTRL key while clicking file names.

The files displayed are those in the current directory that match the type specified in the List Files of Type box.

List Files Of Type

Lists the available file types. Program (.prg) is the default. If you have given your programs, forms, menus, or queries an extension different from the Visual FoxPro default, you can see them by choosing All Files.


Compiles the selected files.

Select All

Selects all file names in the File Name box for compiling.

Deselect All

Deselects all file names in the File Name box.


Expands the Compile dialog box so you can specify other options.


Encrypt Compiled Files

Scrambles compiled files to protect your source code from being reconstructed by decompile programs.

Include Debugging Information

Specifies whether debugging information is included with the compiled file. If this is not checked, you cannot view program execution in the Trace window. Corresponds to the NODEBUG argument in the COMPILE command.

Compile Updated Files Only

Of the files selected, compiles only those that are new or have been updated since the last time they were compiled.

Error Location

ERR File

Stores error messages for each selected file in a separate file with the same base name as the original file. The .err file is stored in the same directory as the source file. If you uncheck this box, error messages for all selected files are stored together in a log file that you specify in the File box.


Adds error messages for each selected file to an existing log file. This check box is enabled if you uncheck the .err File check box.


Stores error messages for all selected files in one log file. Type the log file name in the box, or choose the dialog button to find and specify an existing log file. This text box is enabled if you uncheck the .err File check box.

Location of Compiled Files


Specifies a path where compiled output files are stored. Type the path in the box, or choose the dialog button to find and specify a directory and file name.