Data Tab, Options Dialog Box

See Also

Contains options for controlling data in tables.

When you choose Set As Default — which appears on every tab in the dialog box — Visual FoxPro saves all the options on all tabs.

Tab Options

Open exclusive

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro opens tables and databases exclusively, so that no one else can view or modify them while you are working on them. Opening files exclusively can result in better performance. Use this option when processing large numbers of records under circumstances when other users do not need access to data (such as at night). This option corresponds to the SET EXCLUSIVE command.

Show field names

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro displays a field name as a column heading above each field in the output of the AVERAGE, CALCULATE, DISPLAY, LIST, and SUM commands. This option corresponds to the SET HEADINGS command.

Prompt for code page

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro prompts you to attach a code page when you open tables that do not already have one attached. This option corresponds to the SET CPDIALOG command.

Ignore deleted records

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro ignores records marked for deletion when executing commands that use a scope clause. If this option is cleared, Visual FoxPro includes the marked records. This option corresponds to the SET DELETED command.

Rushmore optimization

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro uses Rushmore optimization when executing commands that include a FOR clause. This option corresponds to the SET OPTIMIZE command. For more information, see Chapter 15, Optimizing Applications in the Programmer’s Guide.

Unique records in indexes

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro allows records with duplicate index key values in an index file. If you choose this option, only the first record containing the original key index is indexed. This option corresponds to the SET UNIQUE command.

Collating sequence

Specifies a collation sequence (sort order) for character fields in indexing and sorting operations. This option corresponds to the SET COLLATE command.

Record counter interval

Specifies how many records should be processed during commands such as COPY TO before Visual FoxPro updates the record counter display in the status line. The range is from 1 to 32,767 records. The higher the number you specify, the longer the delay between updates, but the command can run faster. You must choose the Status Bar option on the View tab for this option to have effect. This option corresponds to the SET ODOMETER command.

Memo block size (bytes)

Specifies the block size in which disk space for memo fields is allocated. The value you enter specifies the minimum disk space required for a memo field, and the size by which memo fields increase as data is added to them. If you specify a value between 1 and 32, Visual FoxPro multiplies your value by 512, and then allocates disk space in a block of that size. If you specify a value greater than 32, Visual FoxPro allocates blocks of only that size; specifying a number greater than 32 can therefore save disk space. This option corresponds to the SET BLOCKSIZE command.

Browse refresh interval (sec)

Specifies how often Visual FoxPro updates the display of records in an active Browse window, which is useful in a multiuser environment. Possible values are 0 to 3600. Set this value to 0 to prevent updates. Set this value to a high number to update the Browse window less often, which can increase performance. This option corresponds to the SET REFRESH command.

Table refresh interval (sec)

Specifies how often Visual FoxPro should update the display of an active table, which is useful in a multiuser environment. Possible values are 0 to 3600. Set this value to 0 to prevent updates; set this value to a high number to update the table less often, which can increase performance. This option corresponds to the SET REFRESH command.

String comparisons


Specifies that Visual FoxPro positions the record pointer on the closest matching record after an unsuccessful FIND or SEEK command. This option corresponds to the SET NEAR command.


Specifies that Visual FoxPro uses the full length of both string expressions (except for trailing blanks) when using the comparison operator (=). If you clear this option, Visual FoxPro stops comparing two strings when the end of the expression on the right side of the comparison operator (=) is reached. This option corresponds to the SET EXACT command.

Note   This setting has no effect on the results of the = operator.


Specifies whether Visual FoxPro pads strings when comparing them with the SQL = operator, which compares character by character until the shorter string is finished. If you choose this option, Visual FoxPro pads the shorter string with spaces, so a SQL comparison fails (“Tommy” is not equivalent to “Tom  ”). If you clear this option, the shorter string is not padded, so strings of unequal length can be equivalent (“Tommy” is equivalent to “Tom”). This option corresponds to the SET ANSI command.

Locking and buffering

Automatic file locking

Specifies that Visual FoxPro automatically locks files for certain commands that do not change data including AVERAGE, COPY TO, INDEX, REPORT, SORT, and TOTAL. If you clear this option, the file is not locked during these commands, and other users can change records while your command is being executed. This option corresponds to the SET LOCK command.

Multiple record locks

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro locks multiple records concurrently. If you clear this option, Visual FoxPro clears all current locks and allows you to lock only one record at a time; the current record is unlocked when you lock the next one. This option corresponds to the SET MULTILOCKS command.


Specifies for multiuser environments whether to buffer record changes locally, and if so, whether to do so optimistically or pessimistically. Buffering can improve performance and provide greater concurrency control. You must choose the Multiple Record Locks option for this option to have effect. It corresponds to the CURSORSETPROP( ) function. Options are:


Specifies how many times or for how long Visual FoxPro attempts to lock a record or table that is already locked by another user. This option corresponds to the SET REPROCESS command. Choices are: