File Locations Tab, Options Dialog Box

See Also

Contains directory locations and names of files used by Visual FoxPro. You can type the path and file name directly into each box or click the dialog button to display a dialog box for setting the option.

When you choose Set As Default — which appears on every tab in the dialog box — Visual FoxPro saves the option settings in the registry (system Windows registration database).

Tab Options

ActiveDoc Launcher

Specifies the file name of the application that is called when you choose Run Active Document in the Tools menu. Contains Runactd.prg by default. This option corresponds to the _RUNACTIVEDOC system variable.


Specifies the file name of the application that is called in the Form Designer when you choose Builder from the right-click menu. A builder consists of one or more dialog boxes that help you set properties for a specific control, or combine clauses to create a specific expression. This option corresponds to the _BUILDER system variable. Builders can be displayed automatically if you choose the Builder lock option in the Forms tab.

Class Browser

Specifies the file name of the application that is called when you choose Class Browser in the Tools menu. Contains by default. This option corresponds to the _BROWSER system variable.

Component Gallery

Specifies the file name of the application that is called when you choose Component Gallery in the Tools menu. Contains by default. This option corresponds to the _GALLERY system variable.


Specifies the file name of the application that is called when you open a form, report, or other application component created in an earlier version of FoxPro or Visual FoxPro. The specified application converts the component to the current file format. This option corresponds to the CONVERTER system variable.

Coverage Profiler

Specifies the file name of the application that creates the Debugger coverage and profiler output. Contains by default. This option corresponds to the _COVERAGE system variable.

Default Directory

Specifies the default Visual FoxPro directory. If you check this box and choose Set As Default, the displayed directory is registered as the default for the current session and all future sessions. If you clear this option and choose Set As Default, the displayed directory is deleted from the registry. If you check this box and choose OK, this changes the default directory for the current session only. Finally, if you clear this option, you will not be able to change the current session’s default directory. This option corresponds to the SET DEFAULT command.

Default Include File

Specifies a default header file of predefined compile-time constants automatically included with user-defined classes, forms, or form sets. This option is empty by default, and corresponds to the _INCLUDE system variable.

Documenting Wizard

Specifies the file name of the application that is called when you choose Beautify in the Tools menu. The Beautify command appears on the Tools menu when you open a program or text file in an editing window. Contains by default. This option corresponds to the _BEAUTIFY system variable.

Expression Builder

Specifies the file name of the application that is executed when you issue the GETEXPR command or invoke the Expression Builder dialog box from within Visual FoxPro. This option is empty by default, and corresponds to the _GETEXPR system variable.

HTML Generator

Specifies the file name of the application that is called when you choose Save As HTML from the File menu. Contains Genhtml.prg by default. This option corresponds to the _GENHTML system variable.

Help File

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro displays Help, and if so, what file to use. If the file name’s extension is .hlp, then graphical Help is used. If the file name’s extension is .dbf, then .dbf-style Help is used. If no extension is specified, the default is graphical Help. This option corresponds to the SET HELP command.

Menu Builder

Specifies the file name of the menu builder program. This option corresponds to the GENMENU system variable.

Resource File

Specifies whether Visual FoxPro stores its current state (macros, size and location of windows, and so on) into a resource file, and if so, what file to use. If this option is not selected, Visual FoxPro resets the system state to its default each time you start the program. In addition, some options in the Options dialog box will be disabled.

This option corresponds to the SET RESOURCE command.

Samples Directory

Specifies the directory containing the Visual FoxPro sample files. This option corresponds to the _SAMPLES system variable.

Search Path

Specifies the directories that Visual FoxPro searches in for files if it does not find the files in the default directory. The directories must be separated by commas or semicolons. You can use the dialog button to automatically insert semicolons when specifying multiple directories. This option corresponds to the SET PATH command.

Spelling Checker

Specifies the file name of the spell checker application. This option corresponds to the SPELLCHK system variable.

Startup Program

Specifies the file name of the application that is called when when you start Visual FoxPro. Contains by default. This option corresponds to the _STARTUP system variable.

Temporary Files

Specifies the directory in which Visual FoxPro saves temporary files — for example, when sorting or indexing. Because temporary files can grow quite large, specify a directory with plenty of free space. For best performance, specify a fast drive; for example, in a multiuser environment, you might specify a local drive.


Specifies the file name of the application that is called when you run a wizard. This option corresponds to the _WIZARD system variable.

For more information, see Chapter 3, Configuring Visual FoxPro in the Installation Guide.