New Remote View Dialog Box

See Also

Lets you create a new remote view using the View Designer or the Remote View Wizard. If the information you need is on a remote data source, you can create a remote view from it and incorporate that view into your database.

The New Remote View dialog box only displays the Remote View Wizard option when you have checked Prompt for Wizards in the Projects tab of the Options dialog box.

This dialog box appears when you select New Remote View from the Database menu.

Note   Before you can create a new remote view, you must establish a connection or ODBC data source. To establish a connection, use the Connection Designer.

Dialog Box Options

View Wizard

Opens the Remote View Wizard, which creates a remote view. Available only if you check Prompt for Wizards in the Projects tab of the Options dialog box.

New View

Opens the Select Connection Or Data Source dialog box so you can select a remote data source to use in your remote view.

For more information, see "Creating a Remote View" or "Defining a Connection" in Chapter 8, Creating Views in the Programmer's Guide.