Procedures and Functions Dialog Box

See Also

Allows you to see and go to any procedure, function, or #DEFINE definition in your program.

This dialog box appears when you choose Procedure/Function List from the shortcut menu of a program in an editing window.

Dialog Box Options

Procedures and Functions List

A list of all procedures, functions, and, optionally, all #DEFINE definitions for the .prg program. Double-click an item in the list to close the Procedures and Functions dialog box and go to the line of code in the program that defines the item.

Sort by

Specifies whether items in the list are sorted alphabetically or displayed by location in the order they appear in the program.

Display #define definitions

Toggles display of #DEFINE definitions in the list.

Go To

Positions you at the line of code that defines the selected procedure, function, or #DEFINE definition. You can also double-click a name in the list to go to that line of code.


Closes the Procedures and Functions dialog box.

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