Join Tab, Query and View Designers

See Also

Specifies join conditions for matching and selecting records in one or more tables or views, such as specific values in a field or join conditions defining temporary relationships between tables. This tab determines the join conditions listed in the FROM clause of the SELECT - SQL command in the SQL window. The Filter tab appears in both the Query and View Designers.

Tab Options

Condition Button

Appears if two or more tables are joined in the query. Click the double-headed horizontal arrow to edit the selected condition or query criterion in the Join Condition dialog box, which will update entries in the other columns.


Specifies the type of join condition. By default, the join type is inner. When creating a new join condition, click the field to display a drop-down list of the join types. For more information about joins, see Chapter 6, "Querying and Updating Multiple Tables," in the User's Guide. For more information about joins, see Chapter 6, Querying and Updating Multiple Tables, in the User's Guide.

Field Name

Specifies the first field of the join condition. When creating a new join condition, click the field to display a drop-down list of the available fields.


Reverses the condition to exclude records matching the condition.


Specifies the type of comparison. The comparison types are:


Specifies the other table and field in the join condition.


Adds an AND or OR condition to the join condition list.

Insert button

Inserts a blank join condition above the selected condition.

Remove button

Removes the selected condition from the query.