Source Control Submenu

Provides options for managing project files in a source-controlled project. This submenu appears only if you open a source code-controlled project.

Submenu Options

Get Latest Version

Displays the Get Latest Version of Files dialog box, which allows you to place the latest read-only copy of the selected source control file in the Project Manager.

Check Out

Displays the Check Out Files dialog box, which allows you to check out a copy of the selected files from your source control provider and places a writable copy in the corresponding development environment working directory.

Check In

Displays the Check In Files dialog box, which allows you to check in changes made in your development environment working directory to your source code control database.

Undo Check Out

Displays the Undo Checkout of Files dialog box, which allows you to overwrite your changes to a file and copies the latest checked-in version to your development environment working directory.

Show History

Displays a dialog box from your source code control provider, which allows you to view the history of changes for the selected file.

Show Differences

Displays a dialog box from your source code control provider, which allows you to view the differences between your local copy of the file and the latest checked-in copy of the file in the source control provider.

Source Control Properties

Displays a dialog box from your source code control provider, which allows you to view detailed information about the selected file.

Add Files to Source Control

Displays the Add Files to Source Control dialog box, which allows you to add the selected file or files in your project to source code control.

Remove Files From Source Control

Displays the Remove Files from Source Control dialog box, which allows you to remove the selected file or files in your project from source code control.

Share Files

Displays a dialog box from your source code control provider, which allows you to share a specific file between multiple projects.

Update Project List

Merges your changes with the central project list file (project metafile, or .pjm file) and displays the results in the Update Project List dialog box. When the process is complete, your local project file will be updated to reflect files that other developers have added. If you have added files, you should update the project list so that other developers can in turn update their project lists and "see" the files.

Show Project List History

Displays a dialog box from your source code control provider, which allows you to view the version number, creation date, and other information about the selected project.

Show Project List Differences

Displays a dialog box from your source code control provider, which allows you to view the differences between your copy of the project and the source control version of the project.

Project Properties

Displays a dialog box from your source code control provider, which allows you to view detailed information about the selected project.

Detach Project From Source Control

Allows you to remove your project from source code control.

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