Table Menu

The Table menu contains commands for examining and editing the active (selected) table. This menu appears when you display a table in a browse or edit window.

Table Menu Commands


Displays the Work Area Properties dialog box, in which you can modify the structure of a table, select index files and fields, and define data filters.


Displays the Font dialog box, which controls the font, font style, and font size of text used to display data in a table or view in the Browse window or Edit window.

Go to Record

Opens the Go To Record submenu, which contains options that let you position the record pointer on a specific record.

Append New Record

Adds a new record to the end of the current table or view. Shortcut: CTRL+Y

Toggle Deletion Mark

Places or removes a deletion mark at the beginning of a selected record to mark or unmark it for deletion. Shortcut: CTRL+T

Append Records

Displays the Append From dialog box, which you use to add records to the current table from another table, a spreadsheet, or text file.

Delete Records

Displays the Delete dialog box, in which you mark records for deletion. Corresponds to the DELETE command.

Recall Records

Displays the Recall Records dialog box, in which you unmark records that are marked for deletion. Corresponds to the RECALL command.

Remove Deleted Records

Prompts you to permanently remove records that are marked for deletion. Corresponds to the PACK command.

Replace Field

Displays the Replace Field dialog box, where you can change values stored in one record or in a range of records.

Size Field

Changes the width of the selected field using the keyboard. Place the cursor in a field, choose this command, and then use the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys to narrow or widen the selected field. Press ENTER when the field is the desired size.

Move Field

Moves the selected field using the keyboard. Place the cursor in a field, choose this command, and then use the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys to relocate the field. Press ENTER when the field is relocated.

Resize Partitions

Activates the window splitter so that you can partition the window or change the size of the existing partitions using the keyboard. Use the LEFT ARROW and RIGHT ARROW keys to resize the partitions, and then press ENTER.

Link Partitions

When this command is enabled and the Browse window is split, allows you to scroll in both partitions simultaneously. When disabled, allows you to scroll in one partition without scrolling in the other partition.

Change Partitions

Makes the inactive partition of the split Browse window active, and the active partition inactive. Shortcut: CTRL+H

Rebuild Indexes

Rebuilds any open index files associated with the active table so that they accurately reflect the current status of the table. This command is enabled only if a table has indices associated with it.