Window Menu

Arranges, displays, and hides windows.

Menu Commands

Arrange All

Displays all open windows so they do not overlap. Windows that you have hidden with the Hide command remain hidden.


Removes the active window from sight. Hidden windows remain open, but are not visible to you. You can view hidden windows by selecting the window name from the 1, 2, 3...9 list.

Hide All

Removes all windows from your view, except the Command window and the main Visual FoxPro window, but keeps them open. This command is available when you hold down SHIFT while choosing the Window menu.

Tip   You can momentarily hide all windows in front of the active output window by holding down SHIFT+CTRL and then holding down the ALT key. Releasing the ALT key displays the windows again.

Show All

Displays all open windows. The names of the open windows appear at the bottom of the Window menu. This command is available when you hold down SHIFT while choosing the Window menu.


Clears all text from the main Visual FoxPro window.


Sequentially brings active open windows to the front.

Command Window

Displays the Command window where you can type Visual FoxPro commands.

Data Session

Displays the Data Session window, where you can easily open tables, establish relations, and set work area properties.


Displays the names of up to nine open windows and allows you to choose from them. You can select the window name or use the access key, a number 1 through 9, to activate the window. If you have more than nine windows open, you can choose the More Windows command to make a selection.

More Windows

Displays the More Windows dialog box, in which you select a window to activate. This command appears on the Window menu when you have more than nine windows open.