Converting FoxPro 2.6 Files

See Also

You can convert FoxPro 2.6 files to Visual FoxPro format. Conversion allows you to use visual designers and access the added functionality of the Visual FoxPro event model. If you decide to convert FoxPro 2.6 files to Visual FoxPro, just open them in Visual FoxPro.

To convert a FoxPro 2.6 file

You can convert projects, screens, reports, and labels; you can also move foundation READs to the Visual FoxPro event model. Converting either FoxPro 2.6 projects or individual screens retains the correct READ compatibility modes.

To See
Convert projects

Verify project conversions

Converting FoxPro 2.6 Projects

Checking Converted FoxPro 2.6 Projects

Convert screens

Verify screen conversions

Converting FoxPro 2.6 Screens

Checking Converted FoxPro 2.6 Screens

Convert reports

Verify report conversions

Converting FoxPro 2.6 Reports

Checking Converted FoxPro 2.6 Reports and Labels

Convert labels

Verify label conversions

Converting FoxPro 2.6 Labels

Checking Converted FoxPro 2.6 Reports and Labels

Move foundation READs into Visual FoxPro Moving Foundation READs into Visual FoxPro