Programmer’s Guide, Part 1: Programming in Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro is a powerful interactive data management tool, but you can also access the full power of Visual FoxPro by creating applications. Understanding object-oriented programming techniques and the event-driven model can maximize your programming productivity.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Programming

If you’re new to programming, learn about the programming process and the mechanics of programming in Visual FoxPro.

Chapter 2 Developing an Application

As you develop an application, organize its pieces with the Project Manager, an integrated way to build and test your application as you go.

Chapter 3 Object-Oriented Programming

With object-oriented programming, you can create self-contained application components that respond to user actions and to the system, and which can be easily maintained and reused.

Chapter 4 Understanding the Event Model

The event model defines when and how user and system interactions occur.