_Alloca( ) API Library Routine


Allocates a block of stack space for the calling routine.


void FAR * _Alloca(unsigned int size)
unsigned int size;            /* Size of stack space to allocate in bytes. */


_Alloca( ) returns a pointer to the block if the block is successfully allocated, or returns zero if the block isn't allocated. _Alloca( ) automatically frees memory when the routine ends, so no corresponding release routine is necessary.

Caution   Some C compilers, such as MPW C, do not support memory allocation from the stack; calls to _Alloca( ) using such compilers will have unpredictable results. Instead, use local variables, or calls to _AllocHand( ) and _FreeHand( ), in your code to reserve memory.

For more information on how to create an API library and integrate it with Visual FoxPro, see Chapter 28, Accessing the Visual FoxPro API, in the Programmer's Guide.