_NewVar( ) API Library Routine

See Also   Example

Creates a variable or an array.


NTI _NewVar(char FAR *name, Locator FAR *loc, int flag)
char FAR *name;            /* Variable name. */
Locator FAR *loc;            /* Place. */
int flag;                     /* Scope. */


The NTI type definition stands for Name Table Index. See _NameTableIndex( ) for more information about Name Table Index use.

The variable or array name must follow standard Visual FoxPro rules for variable names. The new variable is initialized to the logical value False.

The setting of the Locator field l_subs determines the variable or array type:

The flag parameter can be NV_PUBLIC or NV_PRIVATE. NV_PRIVATE variables are created as though they were created by the Visual FoxPro routine that called the external routine.

If _NewVar( ) successfully creates the variable, the field l_NTI is filled in with the non-negative NTI of the created variable, and _NewVar( ) returns this number. If _NewVar( ) fails, it returns a negative integer whose absolute value is an internal Visual FoxPro error number.

For more information on how to create an API library and integrate it with Visual FoxPro, see Chapter 28, Accessing the Visual FoxPro API, in the Programmer's Guide.

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